Clogged drains turn city into Atlantis 

Clogged drains turn city into Atlantis 

Hello, Savannah!: Vera on the prowl

Hello to y’all. 

About three weeks ago, the gang and I were going out to see the new Dune movie. Since we are all Dune fans, it was very exciting. It had rained in Savannah for two days straight. Just poured out! As usual, many of the streets were overflowing with excess water. We had to drive very carefully through the flooded streets to get to the movie theater. So much fun. 

20 movie trailers and commercials later, finally the main attraction! Our happy stuff was already wearing off. Well, three hours later, I was headed to the emergency exit for a smoke! Look out, lady with a baby! Coming through, make a hole! You get the gist? Then to find out that it’s only Part One! What?

We made it home, flooded streets and all. So back at One Beekman Place, getting out of my galoshes, I start thinking about the flooded street situation. I love Old Savannah. Have lived here for many years. So what is up with the flooded streets? 

So the next day, Vera goes out on the prowl. I walked around block after block, taking a look at the street drains. Most are totally clogged up with dirt and debris, so the water has no place to go, except on the street. Flooded streets are us. The city of Savannah does a pretty heroic job of cleaning the streets on a weekly basis. In the climate that we have in Savannah, there’s always stuff coming down, leaves, twigs, palm fronds, empty food containers, trash, etc. It will all eventually end up in the street. For years, I would carry a bag with me and pick up all the trash as I walked. Put it in the bin and hope for better days. I mean really. The trees and bushes can’t help it. They shed and then grow new stuff back. So what is the excuse for people throwing trash out on the street? Let’s see, job creation? Who cares? Slobs are us? A huge amount of that trash is what’s clogging up the street drains! 

So what to do about it. I would like to suggest to the Savannah Public Works Department that they start unclogging the drains. I tried to do my civic duty and dig out the drain on Barnard and Hall Street, to no avail. It was just filled with dirt and debris. It was like digging in hardened concrete. That drain has been plugged up for at least the eight years that I have lived on Barnard Street. This is a citywide problem, but mostly in the Old Historic District. Since my magic wand is in the repair shop, not too much I can do about it. Maybe just sharing our stories together will help to find a solution? Please feel free to share your experiences, no matter what town you live in!

For sure, I love Savannah! But it really is time to Roto-Rooter the storm drains!

All for now! Vera Charles on the prowl! Happy holidays. 

Vera Charles, born in Pittsburg, Penn., went to private school in Great Neck, N.Y., where she learned to be skeptical. She traveled, made her chops in theater, and just likes to know what is going on and share it! You can reach Vera at