The Mighty Margo’s Halloween drag show

The Mighty Margo’s Halloween drag show

The Gay Elder recounts a ‘70s celebration of the national gay holiday 

So here it is, just back from my journey to San Francisco in 1972. It was a life-changer for me, not to mention a lot of fun too! Above is a photo of me then. I was back in Minneapolis, hanging out with my friend Stevie (Margo). We had just heard of Gay House. Big old mansion on Mount Curve Avenue. It was the only non-bar hang out for us gay kids, a first for Minneapolis. Very positive atmosphere. Great conversations, sharing of ideas. Meeting people with ideas that in the long run would push gay rights forward in Minneapolis/Saint Paul. 

Anyway, we were getting closer to Halloween. Stevie was going to be a contestant in the upcoming drag ball. At that time, Halloween was our national holiday. Stevie was going to perform her rendition of Diana Ross, at her thinnest. Stoned Love! Margo had a great gown. Very slinky! But it had to have the glitz and glamour of the Supremes. We are talking about a thousand strands of glitter beads. Each strand was about six inches long. Our whole gang pitched in stringing those fucking beads. 1,000 strands, poked and bleeding fingers later. Whalaha! The gown looked fabulous. 

The ball was on Halloween. At a big old hotel in Downtown Minneapolis. The PIC, Nicollet. There were about 800 people in attendance. 25 drag shows later, Margo got her turn on stage. Stoned love indeed. Yes we all were. Lots of cocktails. Our gang just yelled and cheered. 

The most outrageous and really funny act was The Four RHEA Sisters. That would be, Diarrhea, Piarrhea, Seborrhea and Gonorrhea. Turns all four were stoned and high on acid. They proceeded to rip each other’s dresses to shreds! They brought down the house. Not a dry eye, laughing so hard. Stomach cramps. Maybe  a few wet their pants. It was like Lucy and Vivian, trashing each other because they both had the same dress on after agreeing not to wear them. You bitch. It was hysterical! 

Then it came time to crown the new Queen of the Midwest. Miss Almost, Miss Runner-Up and then the new reigning Queen. Margo didn’t even place! We were just devastated! I thought, “Hey, at least an honorable mention for the gown?” Nope! Like the poem, there was no joy in Mudville that night. The Mighty Margo had struck out! Such is life! Happy Halloween! Trick or treat? 

Tom Newman is Barnard Street’s self-appointed mayor and resident Gay Elder. In his 7+ decades, he has seen a lot and don’t you know he remembers it all. You can reach him at